суббота, 18 января 2020 г.


There is also a vibration in the audible range in the proximity of the megalith called the "Baboon" that the silence and in the absence of wind can be heard quite easily into the cavity present in it. Other megaliths of Argimusco plateau have a considerable resonance phenomenon. They were found in two peaks on the central plateau, but not elsewhere of 25 and 43KHz. Near the megalith called the "Praying" there is a huge megalith with many cavities on its surface which act as many small resonators. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. The site has to be considered an ancient sacred place, corroborated by the presence of purification pools carved into the rock along with cupels used for sacrifices with well engraved drains. flavia vallega

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Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Rapids Fun stories flaviz kids on the go. For being able to hear, we had to move transpose the sound file up the audible band.

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For comparison we looked at other locations in the area of Etna volcano from Catania to Messina province. Loading recommendations for you. This sound in the audible range listen here - use again Hi-Fi headphonesgiven its characteristics it valleya conceivable to be a movement attributable to an underground stream that visitors to the site in ancient times may have perceived as the sound of God voice.

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But we will need to investigate further before drawing any conclusions. It should be remembered that infrasound vibrations are inaudible to the human ear, but they could be perceived by vibrator receptors in the skin in sensitive people.

It was not by accident a particular flvia was choosen to build a temple or perform sacred rites in flabia of these phenomena, capable of influencing the psyche of those who stood in those places. By placing your order, you agree to our Terms of Use. July 4, Release Date: We have decided to call it "the Voice of Argimusco".

They were found in two peaks on the central plateau, but not elsewhere of 25 and 43KHz. You have exceeded the vallgea number of MP3 items in your MP3 cart. Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account.

432Hz Omega Music Inner Voices "Marana'Tha" by Flavia Vallega "Krystael"

Get fast, free delivery with Amazon Prime. It is conceivable that the percussion instrument possesses numerous successive harmonics in addition to the base frequency, able to stimulate the large number of different cavities.

Add to MP3 Cart. Near the megalith called the "Praying" there is a huge megalith with many cavities on its surface which act as many small resonators. The results of analysis seem to suggest that this phenomenon develops a spiral magnetic field during the dlavia of the megalith shown clearly in the below image. Our attention was attracted in particular to the Argimusco vallegw although they are of natural origin, they act as great transducers of underground vibrations as with other sacred sites we analyzed.

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Click here for the video. Even in the village of Pedara Cataniajust a few kilometers from the volcano we found a large numer of vibrations infrasounds between a few Hz and Hz.

The same look and feel of psychophysiological measures in volunteers we have been able to observe in a dormant crater for more than years at the base of the volcano Mount Sonaa sign that these low frequencies have a positive effect on psychomotor skills of the examined subjects. Warning to the readers. We measured very interesting vibrations in this location which appeared to be transmitted from the volcano, almost certainly due to the movement of magma.

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Amazon Second Chance Falvia it on, trade it in, give it a second life. Our research mainly focused on the Argimusco plateau Messina with its megaliths, the Etna volcano and surrounding areas.

This difference is particularly evident if we overlap the two graphs, taken in the secondary crater of Etna above and found on Argimusco plateau below. ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. In some locations around the Argimusco plateau, a vibration of around 8 Hz is found, as also found on the slopes of Valleta volcano to a volume of 36dB.

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