пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Download previous releases from the archives. Get the client certificate from the session. The supported web servers are: How does it work? However when I tried to restart the web server with the redirect file it all went belly up? I've got jboss 4. nsapi redirector.so

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Use the MediumFileSpace parameter in nsfc. All requests of the form http: For example, if the request redirector.eo for http: If you use this parameter, don't use the userfile parameter as well.

If I include the http authorization header in the initial request and therefore the negotiation step is not required it works fine, but this is not an option for us. All about workers This page contains an overview about the various aspects of defining and using workers.

For example, you can specify that files in a particular directory are not to be cached, which is useful for directories where the files change frequently. This parameter will be passed to the user function.

NSAPI Programmer's Guide for iPlanet Web Server

Any information would be appreciated. The ajp12 has been deprecated with Tomcat 3. Kevin, I work with Andy and am trying to pick this piece of work up. The ajp12 protocol is only available in Tomcat 3. Default is 10K, minimum is 1K, maximum is 16M. An alternative will be to open the nsapi workspace file nsapi.

Using the find-pathinfo-forward neapi can sometimes prevent incorrect parsing of URLs containing double-byte characters. Default value is false. Send feedback about this page via email or DocCommentXchange. If you manually add directives that invoke load-config to the default object rather than putting them in separate objectsthe Server Manager interface might not reflect your changes.

See Synchronizing through a web server with the relay server. This NameTrans directive is in the default object.

The Apache Tomcat Connectors: mod_jk, ISAPI redirector, NSAPI redirector

You don't have JavaScript enabled. You will use the log file name later, as a parameter to the common-log function.

nsapi redirector.so

The extension collects the response from the worker and returns it to the browser. For information about the format, see the "More on Log Format" section below. In the Solaris Makefile, you need to switch the commented lines in order to nspi the Sun compiler cc instead of GNU gcc.

nsapi redirector.so

Following is an example of the sections of obj. Document Conventions and Assumptions. Do not include spaces before or after the commas. If icon-uri is different from the default, the pfx2dir function in the NameTrans directive must be changed so that the server can find these icons.

This requires a change to NameTrans portion of obj. You napi use the log file name later, as a parameter erdirector.so the flex-log function. If a certificate is not already associated with the session, request one. You can use nxapi sample files to confirm where the following sections fit in to the file. The installation includes the following parts: The authorization process is split into two steps so that multiple authorization schemes can be easily incorporated, as well as providing the flexibility to have resources that record authorization information but do not require it.

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